City Centre West

Introducing City Centre West

Our vision for City Centre West could deliver up to 1,000 new homes – including affordable homes – at a transformative scale, and new retail opportunities.

Our approach will bring more people into the city centre to live and visit, having a significant impact on the local economy.

We also plan to deliver an enhanced Market Square with new opportunities for food and drink, outdoor seating, and green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Market Square - for illustrative purposes only

The Opportunity

City Centre West has been identified by the Council as a priority location for brownfield regeneration. It features prominently in the Wolverhampton Investment Prospectus as the city’s largest regeneration opportunity and is identified as part of the City Centre Local Area Action Plan.

Masterplan Vision Aerial - for illustrative purposes only

Fold Street - for illustrative purposes only

Phase 01 Corner - for illustrative purposes only

In July 2024, ECF undertook a period of engagement with the community to understand challenges, priorities, and opportunities for City Centre West. This has helped us finalise and develop our combined vision.


Our plan aims to attract more people into the city centre to live, work, and visit – with significant benefits for the local economy and the vibrancy of the city centre.

We will achieve this by delivering up to 1,000 new homes across several phases, including new affordable homes. This is of a scale which will have a transformative and positive impact on the local economy.


Working with the Council we will also enhance and invest in Market Square to create a space with new food and drink opportunities, outdoor seating with potential for new cafes and restaurants, as well as new planting and green spaces.


Further detail on our vision is available to download below, and a consultation on the plan is now open.

Phase 01 Market Square - for illustrative purposes only

Birch Street - for illustrative purposes only

Phase 01 Market Square - for illustrative purposes only

In July 2024, ECF undertook a period of engagement with the community to understand challenges, priorities, and opportunities for City Centre West. This has helped us finalise and develop our combined vision.


Our plan aims to attract more people into the city centre to live, work, and visit – with significant benefits for the local economy and the vibrancy of the city centre.

Birch Street - for illustrative purposes only

We will achieve this by delivering up to 1,000 new homes across several phases, including new affordable homes. This is of a scale which will have a transformative and positive impact on the local economy.


Working with the Council we will also enhance and invest in Market Square to create a space with new food and drink opportunities, outdoor seating with potential for new cafes and restaurants, as well as new planting and green spaces.


Further detail on our vision is available to download below, and a consultation on the plan is now open.

Masterplan Vision - for illustrative purposes only

About ECF

ECF is a public-private partnership between three of the UK’s leading regeneration and investment organisations, Homes England, Legal & General and Muse.

We work in partnership with the public sector to transform urban areas and create exceptional new places.

ECF brings together Homes England’s ambition to deliver more affordable housing, Legal & General’s proficiency and experience in investing in transformative real estate and infrastructure, and Muse’s expertise delivering urban regeneration.


Our focus is on regeneration which is challenging, complex, and requires long-term vision.

Since 2001, we have delivered some of the country’s most successful urban regeneration projects. We’re proud to have taken on large, challenging projects in Liverpool, London, Plymouth, Salford, and Wakefield and created inspiring new places.

In July 2024, ECF entered a Development Agreement with City of Wolverhampton Council to deliver the regeneration of City Centre West.

ECF brings together Homes England’s ambition to deliver more affordable housing, Legal & General’s proficiency and experience in investing in transformative real estate and infrastructure, and Muse’s expertise delivering urban regeneration.


Our focus is on regeneration which is challenging, complex, and requires long-term vision.

Since 2001, we have delivered some of the country’s most successful urban regeneration projects. We’re proud to have taken on large, challenging projects in Liverpool, London, Plymouth, Salford, and Wakefield and created inspiring new places.

In July 2024, ECF entered a Development Agreement with City of Wolverhampton Council to deliver the regeneration of City Centre West.


To support ECF and City of Wolverhampton Council develop a vision for City Centre West, we undertook initial engagement with the community in July 2024. This has been combined with our own detailed research.

Together, this helped us finalise the masterplan and overall approach. You told us about Wolverhampton’s potential but emphasised a need for new spaces and venues which could attract more people to the city centre, in a way which boosts the local economy, creates opportunity, and tackles deprivation.

We also know there is a recognised need for significant numbers of new homes – with around 20,000 needed in the upcoming Loal Plan period – including a real need for affordable homes.

Our vision, which we are now showcasing and asking for your feedback, responds to these challenges and opportunities.

Download the exhibition boards below to review our plan in detail.


Exhibition Boards September 2024

Feedback Form September 2024

Exhibition Boards July 2024

Feedback Form July 2024